Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Sunday!
It's recipe time! I have decided that since I love to bake so much, my theme for this blog will be baking, and other assorted recipes. Seems only fitting!

Today at this post-Valentine's Day home, we have 3 baked goods. My daughter made a giant chocolate-chip heart-shaped cookie for her cute guy she likes, and usually we do not make traditional recipes of anything around here- it seems that every recipe we make pretty much, has a twist or else is totally different than traditional. So, to make traditional chocolate chip cookies and a big heart out of the dough was just weird. But we also have deep dark chocolate banana cakes in the shape of my mini heart Bundts, and these coconut-chocolate chip graham-bases yummy for the tummy bars, that are a take-off from those "Magic Cookie Bars". I'll take some pictures and see which turn out the best and then post pictures and recipes shortly.

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Gingerbread snowflakes

Gingerbread snowflakes
Soon at

Cookie baking

Cookie baking
Spritz Cookies- fun to make, not too tasty, though!

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