Monday, August 29, 2011

Feelin' Hot, Hot, Hot!

Here we are with another record-breaking day in Phoenix, it's looking like this year might break the record of 32, 110 degree days in a row, or higher than 110 degrees, that is! I'll tell you, it's a dry heat, LOL, but it sure takes the life right out of you. I feel like a wrung-out dishrag, after getting in and out of a car that starts at 122 degrees when I first get in it, most likely that's true even if I did find a spot of shade tree to park under. I come home, and strip all the way down, yes, every last piece of clothing has to come off, for nice, dry ones. Ahhh! Thank goodness for air conditioning! Then, turn on the news, and back east, it's raining torrents from hurricane Irene, rivers busting, flooding, and here: the opposite. I feel so sad for all the losses of those poor folks! What is it with Mother Nature? Years of drought here, months of rains there, and now more devastation of water. I wish I could send you all some of our healing sunshine! Thoughts and prayers are with you!

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