Friday, April 10, 2009

Panorama Eggs--
Here is the view inside one of my eggs. I put in a tiny oval mirror, to look like a little pond. The creatures are plastic, I have no idea where I found them. I had so much fun making these eggs. Our next door neighbor lady when I was a kid, was very creative, and a great baker. She made these. She had this very oversized magazine (from the south) that had lovely photos of eggs, and instructions. I asked for a copy. I wish I knew of Mrs. Billie Martin was still out there somewhere, to show her how long I have hung onto these eggs!


  1. Hi it's Lauretta from Etsy! You did a wonderful job on these eggs at 15 years old! that the last time you made them?


Gingerbread snowflakes

Gingerbread snowflakes
Soon at

Cookie baking

Cookie baking
Spritz Cookies- fun to make, not too tasty, though!

Lemon-Oat Squares

Lemon-Oat Squares